Sunday, November 20, 2011

Who am I? who are you.

Who am i? Am i merely that kid that everyone can't figure out, matching flawless social skills with understanding eyes? Am I that kid who doesn't care what other think of him. Do i do drugs? do i drink? I am all that, and the only thing i use to get through my life isn't drugs, or alcohol, it's god. 

What's my story? many think i have the "perfect life" with things simply falling into my lap, and troubles simply avoiding me? did you know that I've moved seven times? and attended over 8 different schools?  Did you know i was bullied up until 8th grade? that up until 6th grade i didn't even have one friend? not a single one. All i wanted was a label, because if i couldn't figure myself out, i sure as hell would of liked someone to tell me who i was. I've asked out thirty girls in my seventeen years of life, and the only one that said yes, turned out to be a huge mistake. I'm a "friend" to many, but i only consider them people. I can count my real friends only on my fingers and toes. I always show a smile, through pain, suffering, and fear. Why wear a frown, when you could put on a smile, and actually do something to better yourself? I am who i am, because of what i've went through, and i will show my battle wounds, and what life has done to me. So, show your emotional "scars" or if you have them, your physical ones. it just proves you were strong enough to get out of what you were in. 

you didn't know that, and you couldn't have unless i told you. This idea of everyone having a story, is incredible. to think that through the day you pass by people who might have been abused, and still carry a smile, is cool. I know cool may not seem like the word, but it is for me. it's interesting to see people, the way they react, and the things they do. I love people, and no matter what they say or do to me, i know that some how i lead them up to saying that. I forgive anyone the second after they verbally attack me. I won't give up on people, and most importantly i will never give up on myself.

1 comment:

  1. I love you Ryan. You are so real and can really touch people with your writing. I hope I am a friend you count. A friend to count on, a friend to count on when your smile starts to fade. A friend to count on when your smile masks your emotions too well. When your strong smile tricks others, come to me cause i'll never deceive you.
