Tuesday, November 29, 2011


 "hey bro. I'm just gonna throw this out there...how's your relationship with the Lord?" i got this from a kid in school that i barely knew, only through interactions in class, and at lunch. How cool is that, though? When god said he appointed us as prophets to every nation, i never thought that i would actually be approached by a prophet myself. And to think about it, i guess i am a prophet. Getting kids to go to young life, and just giving them the little taste of the lord that they need to get kick started into a never ending life. 

So, Semi-Formal is coming up, and i guess i am a bit nervous. I consider myself a very feminine man, but that's the way i was made. I am not gay, i just like some things that girls like, and i love getting pampered, looking good, and i worry about small details just like most girls do. So, i'm constantly running through the night in my mind, with one thing in my mind, my date will look beautiful. i know that, and it will be a constant throughout the night. but there are no other constants on that night. Will i never see my date after that again? will i find the girl of my dreams on that dance floor? i don't know, and that is what excites me. the things i can't control, usually end up being the things i love the most. 

so, i don't know if i'm a good friend. i'm not exactly the guy who goes around hugging everyone, though i do seem like i am. I have very large physical boundaries. even hugging my best friend sometimes has to be forced out of me, because it is out of my comfort zone. i will be the shoulder for people to cry on, but in the times when they just need a hug, i don't know if i can be that guy? is that odd that i stress over the little things? that i care so much about things that have yet to happen? that i run every possible scenario in my head just praying for the chance not to screw up? i don't care, because i can't break those habits, so i'm not going to try to. 

I love god, and i want to see what he has planned, has up his sleeve, and who he is hiding from me. 

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